Wednesday 29 August 2012
The Full breed antichrist

Truth is, my friends, “Come shop no supposed be by force naa”. To choose to say "Yes" or "No" is a fundamental human right. Even God wouldn't contend that. Allegiance becomes a must when there are no alternatives. Allegiance to God will no longer exist as an option when the antichrist is fully revealed. Then it becomes a must to pledge allegiance to the devil. His heir i
s called the antichrist. If I can't say no to a government policy where I am not in any way violating the rights of any of my neighbors, something must be terribly wrong. It means my will is being crushed and I am being “ill-dignified” as an human being. Now, the irony is that democrats believe you can choose to take the life (murder) a fetus if you want to but you can't choose to be vulnerable to sickness or even accept to die if you want to (You must be insured). That's the meaning I have been able to make so far from this health care…(you know) and by the way, that reminds me of the antichrist. You must carry a symbol that depicts your allegiance.

The difference Christ makes is: nothing is a must, everything is your choice, actions and consequences well defined. The apostles confirmed the spirit of the antichrist is already in the world. I think the sign of the antichrist too is already hanging in prominent places across the world, in government and in religion. Lookout for those that make excuses for the rights of the macho and the stout dominators while taking away the excuses for rights of the feminine, the unvirile, the unborn, the weak and the vulnerable. The question to ask, whenever there was an act of adultery, is: why was it the woman that gets caught in the “act” and not the man or the woman together with the man? Dear friends, It is not difficult to see the obvious i.e. The antichrist. i.e. The one that manipulatively (Religion) or forcefully (Government) subjects.

However, presently the above are factual expressions of the spirit of the antichrist. The full breed antichrist will be a birthed when world government consummates a union with world religions. When you see government and religion beginning to embrace alas, there comes the blasphemer… the full breed antichrist.

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